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Engineers and Contractors


Drawings and Design Standards are provided for reference purposes only.  Engineers are asked to contact the Rogue Valley Sewer Services Engineering Department to make sure they have the most up-to-date drawings and standards.


All contractors wanting to submit bids on construction jobs and/or make tap connections to the Rogue Valley Sewer Service mainline must be prequalified by RVSS.  Prequalification with RVSS can come from one of the following modes:

  • Provide RVSS with a copy of their Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) prequalification letter and complete the first page of the prequalification application.
  • Provide a completed ODOT Contractor Prequalification Form to RVSS.  Please note that there is not a fee associated with the approval from RVSS.

Please follow the Contractor Prequalification Form link on the left to obtain the ODOT Contractor Prequalification Form.